viernes, 2 de marzo de 2012

Love story

Kelsey - Metro Station
So take one word, you said / aixì que tens la paraula, tu vas dir
You put it in your bed / el vas posar dins del llit
You rest your tiny head on your pillow / descances el teu petit cap en el teu coixí

You wonder where you're going next / et preguntes on anirem a continuació
You've got your hair pushed to my chest / tens el teu cabell en el meu pit
And now you're hoping / i ara tu estàs esperant
That someone will let you in / que algú vulgui entrar

Well, I swear I'll let you in / Bé, et juro que et deixaré entrar
You know I'll let you in/ tu saps que jo et deixaré entrar
Oh Kelsey, you /  oh Kelsey, tu

So don't let anyone scare you / Aixì que no deixies que ningú t'espanti
You know that I'll protect you / tu saps que jo et protegiré
Always, now through the thick and thin / sempre, ara a través del vent i de la marea
Until the end / fins al final

You better watch it / és millor veure-la
You know you don't cross it / tu saps que no el creuerà 
Because, I'm always here for you / perquè, jo sempre estaré aquí per tu
And I'll be here for you / i jo estic aquí per tu

I know, I know, I know / jo sé, jo sé, jo sé
I know how it feels / jo sé com es sent
Believe me, I've been there / creu en mi, jo he estat allà
And I know, I know, I know / i jo sé, jo sé, jo sé
I know what it feels like / jo sé el que se sent
Tell me, Kelsey / diga'm, Kelsey

And I'll swim the ocean for you / i jo nadaré l'oceà per tu
The ocean for you / l'oceà per tu
Whoa, Kelsey / Whoa, Kelsey
And I'll swim the ocean for you / jo nadaré l'oceà per tu

The ocean for you / l'oceà per tu

Whoa, Kelsey / Whoa Kelsey
Oh you, darling / Oh estimada

Now it's gonna get harder / i ara ho aconseguirà més díficil
And it's gonna burn brighter / i va cremar més brillant
And it's gonna feel tougher / i es va senti més forta
Each and every day / cada dia

So let me say, that I love you / aixì que permete'm dir-te que t'estimo
You're all I've ever wanted / ets tot el que una vegada he volgut
All I've ever dreamed of to come / tot el que he somiat en què venies
And yes you did come / i si tu has vingut

I want you so bad, can you feel it too? / 
You know I'm so, I'm so in love with you / tu saps que jo, que jo estic tant enamorat de tu
I want you, so much /  et vull, molt
I need you, so much / et necessito, molt
I need your, I need your, your touch / necessitu el teu, necessito el teu, el teu tacte

And I'll swim the ocean for you / i jo nadaré l'oceà per tu
The ocean for you / l'oceà per tu

Whoa, Kelsey / Whoa Kelsey

And I'll swim the ocean for you / i jo nadaré l'oceà per tu
The ocean for you / l'oceà per tu 
Whoa, Kelsey / whoa Kelsey

And I'll swim the ocean for you / i jo nadaré l'oceà per tu
The ocean for you / l'oceà per tu
Whoa, Kelsey / whoa Kelsey
And I'll swim the ocean for you / i jo nadré l'oceà per tu
The ocean for you / l'oceà per tu
Whoa, Kelsey / whoa Kelsy

And you never, ever let me in / i tu mai, mai en deixes entrar
(Let me in) / deixa'm entrar
And you never, ever let me in / i tu mai, mai en deixes entrar
(Let me in) / deixa'm entrar
And you never, ever let me in / i tu mai, mai em deixes entrar
(Let me in) / deixa'm entrar
And you never, ever let me in / i tu mai, mai em deixes entrar

I like this song because he says that he protects her on everything  

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