domingo, 29 de abril de 2012

Book versus Film

The difference between book and film is the time, because the book is medieval and the film is more modern. the caracters of the book are more realist than movie, because in the movie they fight with arms and in the book they fight with swords, for me the movie is a drama...but the some scene it's funny. the times are very different, in the book the characters wear costumes, and in the movie wear trousers and t-shirts, this isn't creible.
I like the book but I don't like the movie.

Your best experiences in Italy

When I went to Italy, I stay with my friends, and everyday I enjoyed wtih they!

I don't have any best moment because i enjoyed every moment. 

We decided that when we are large, it's a very nice idea! I want to make it that day!

This "family" I never change for nothing, NEVER! my friends are all for me! 

jueves, 12 de abril de 2012


I saw this movie at Lena's home. This move is very funny, i loved it. The part that I like moust is when  Rapunzel go out the tower and she has a nervous breakdown, because her mother  don't want that she go out, because her hair is magic and her mother wanted take atvantage for her. 

We had fun, with movie and with firends