Sometimes in our lives we all have pain / A vegades en la nostra vida tots tenim dolor
We all have sorrow / tots nosaltres tenim pena
But if we are wise / pero si som llestos
We know that there's always tomorrow / sabem que hi ha un demà
Lean on me, when you're not strong / recolzat a mi quan tu no tinguis forces
And I'll be your friend / seré el teu amic
I'll help you carry on / t'ajudaré a continuar
For it won't be long / perquè no passarà molt temps
'Til I'm gonna need / fins que jo necesiti
Somebody to lean on / algu en el què recolza-me
Please swallow your pride / siusplau empasa't el teu orgull
If I have things you need to borrow / si tinc coses que necessitis
For no one can fill those of your needs / doncs ningu pot aliviar
That you don't let show / aquelles necesitats teves
So just call on me brother, when you need a hand / només m'has de cridar germà, quan necessitis una mà
We all need somebody to lean on / tots nosaltres necessitem algu per recolzar-nos
I just might have a problem that you'd understand / jo podria tenir un problema que tu entendries
We all need somebody to lean on / tots necessitem algu per recolzar-nos
Lean on me, when you're not strong / recolzat en mi quan no tinguis forces
And I'll be your friend / jo seré el teu amic
I'll help you carry on / jo t'ajudaré a seguir
For it won't be long / perquè no passarà molt temps'Til I'm gonna need / fins que jo necesitiSomebody to lean on / algu en el què recolza-meSo just call on me brother, when you need a hand / omés m'has de cridar germà, quan necessitis una màWe all need somebody to lean on / tots nosaltres necessitem algu per recolzar-nosI just might have a problem that you'd understand / jo podria tenir un problema que tu entendriesWe all need somebody to lean on/ tots necessitem algu per recolzar-nosLean on me / recolzat a mi
If there is a load you have to bear / si hi ha un pes que tens que portaThat you can't carry / que no aconsegueixes subjectar
I'm right up the road / jo esitc en el camí
I'll share your load / carragaré amb el teu pes
If you just call me / si simplement em truques
Call me.. / trucama
For it won't be long / perquè no passarà molt de temps
Till I'm gonna need / fins que jo necessiti
Somebody to lean on / algu per recolzar-me
Lean on me... / recolzat a mi
I likethehare,becausegenerallyvery similarto me,because it neverstops, like me.They are alwaysmoving,even forfun ordanger. The mostknownof this animalisrunninga lot.Thisis a superiority by their predators. example:the hareis muchfaster than ahunting dogbut can becaughtbyslowlyfora leopard. There arealsoarctic hares: Thearcticharelivesin theharshenvironmentof the NorthAmericantundra.Theseharesdonothibernate,butsurvivethedangerous coldwith anumberofbehavioralandphysiologicaladaptation.
My dream I have for the future is to be a teacher of physics and chemistry or I wold also like to be a veterinarian, but that really want is be a teacher.
The problems I have to get is that the chemistry is very difficult and the subject of veterinary medicine, the problem is that the blood gives me abit of receipt.
What I will do to address it, chemistry it is study hard and work hard and on the veterinary is overcame.